The Village of Stryker aims to provide a more open government platform to our residents and visitors. By browsing this site, each visitor and resident should feel like they know not only where the Village of Stryker came from, but where we are going in the future. From latest news, to current village events, videos of our council meetings, and the ability to pay utility bills and income taxes online, we want to ensure that all village happenings are visible to the community we serve. We hope this site will bring a more complete perspective to our wonderful community.
Sincerely, Stryker Village
Village of Stryker Mission Statement:
"It is the village’s aim to be a 'Good Citizen' in the community. The welfare of the village depends upon the courteous and efficient service each of us gives."
Utility Payments
The Village is excited to announce the ability to view and pay your utility bills online. Contact the Village Hall for further details or if you have any questions.
First time users, click the link below to register your account.
Once you've registered your account, Click the Pay Now button below to be directed to a secure website to process your credit or debit card payments for your utility bill ONLY.
Income Tax Payments
The Village is excited to announce the ability to pay your income taxes online. Click the link below to be directed to a secure website to process your credit or debit card payments for income taxes ONLY.
2025 Recycling Schedule
- March 14, 28
- April 11, 25
- May 9, 23
- June 6, 20
- July 5*, 18
- August 1, 15 & 29
- September 12, 26
- October 10, 24
- November 7, 21
- December 5, 19
- January 3, 2026*
- *This route is on a Saturday, due to a holiday during the week.
Unlimited Curbside Trash Pickup - May 3, 2025 Guidelines 2025
Military Banner Program
Check out the Village of Stryker Military Banners at . More information about the program and on how to order a banner can be obtained in the Village Hall.
Annual Drinking Water Report / Backflow Prevention / Cross-Connection Control Information
Corrected 2023 Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report